Free Access A new Robertsonian translocation in Blonde d'Aquitaine cattle, rob(4;10) p. 413 I. Bahri-Darwich, EP Cribiu, HM Berland and R. Darré DOI: AbstractPDF (402.4 KB)
Free Access A genetic evaluation of male reproductive fitness at early and late age in Drosophila melanogaster treated with a mutagen p. 421 T. Björklund, G Engström and LE Liljedahl DOI: AbstractPDF (725.6 KB)
Free Access A genetic analysis of variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism in the horse p. 435 G. Guérin, M. Bertaud, B. Billoud and JC Mériaux DOI: AbstractPDF (791.1 KB)
Free Access Influence of breed on reactivity of sheep to humans p. 447 P. Le Neindre, P. Poindron, G. Trillat and P. Orgeur DOI: AbstractPDF (608.0 KB)
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Free Access Multivariate restricted maximum likelihood estimation of genetic parameters for growth, carcass and meat quality traits in French Large White and French Landrace pigs p. 475 A. Ducos, JP Bidanel, V. Ducrocq, D. Boichard and E. Groeneveld DOI: AbstractPDF (912.6 KB)