Free Access Computation of identity by descent probabilities conditional on DNA markers via a Monte Carlo Markov Chain method p. 467 Miguel Pérez-Enciso, Luis Varona and Max F. Rothschild DOI: AbstractPDF (712.6 KB)ReferencesPubMed Record
Free Access Genetic correlation estimations between artificial insemination sire performances and their progeny beef traits both measured in test stations p. 483 Marie-Noëlle Fouilloux, Gilles Renand, Jacques Gaillard and François Ménissier DOI: AbstractPDF (845.2 KB)ReferencesPubMed Record
Free Access Experimental study of the efficiency of a reduced index in Tribolium p. 501 José Luis Campo and Herminio Turrado DOI: AbstractPDF (507.6 KB)ReferencesPubMed Record
Free Access A first genotyping assay of French cattle breeds based on a new allele of the extension gene encoding the melanocortin-1 receptor (Mc1r) p. 511 François Rouzaud, Juliette Martin, Paul François Gallet, Didier Delourme, Valérie Goulemot-Leger, Yves Amigues, François Ménissier, Hubert Levéziel, Raymond Julien and Ahmad Oulmouden DOI: AbstractPDF (444.3 KB)ReferencesPubMed Record
Free Access Messenger RNA levels and transcription rates of hepatic lipogenesis genes in genetically lean and fat chickens p. 521 Stéphanie Daval, Sandrine Lagarrigue and Madeleine Douaire DOI: AbstractPDF (562.6 KB)ReferencesPubMed Record
Free Access Differentiation of the Italian wolf and the domestic dog based on microsatellite analysis p. 533 Gaudenz Dolf, Jörg Schläpfer, Claude Gaillard, Ettore Randi, Vittorio Lucchini, Urs Breitenmoser and Nasikhat Stahlberger-Saitbekova DOI: AbstractPDF (329.3 KB)ReferencesPubMed Record